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Video Cassette Manager V3.10
Copyright (c) 1988
Bill Barnes
V2.01 - Added windows and delete function
V2.20 - Added sound
- Added error check for printer
- Added error check for missing files
- Added error check for Floppy Drive door open
- Added Flexibility in movie title totals (50 - 999 Max.)
V3.00 - Added Command line switch to specify data drive
- Added Command line switch to specify Color or Mono Monitor
- Added Exploding Windows
- Allow toggling sound On/Off
- Show Default drive on bottom of screen
V3.10 - Added Window to show who Borrowed your Tape.
V3.20 - Cleaned up some of the code
- Added a Quick Sort routine for quicker sorting
of the Library.
Video Cassette Manager was developed using the Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0 (tm)
compiler. VCM is being distributed as Shareware. You are probably already
familiar with the concept, so I won't bore you with the details. All I ask
is that you send a donation of $7.00 if you use the program as I do to:
Bill Barnes
6024 Deer Ave
El Paso, Tx 79924
VCM320 is started by typing VCM320 by itself or VCM320 [drive] [c].
If no drive is specified, then drive A: is the default data drive. To
Specify a drive other than A:, simply type 'VCM320 C' (without the quotes
and without a colon). This will make the default drive C: for hard disk
users. Any letter A thru E is valid. If a letter out of this range is
typed, VCM320 will exit and display the correct syntax.
For those of you that want to use a drive other than A:, I would
reccomend a batch file to start VCM320 like the following:
In DOS type:
Copy Con VCM.BAT (Then press ENTER)
VCM320 [drive letter] [c]olor (without the brackets, then press ENTER)
Press F6 (Then press ENTER)
Now make sure that VCM.BAT is on the same disk as VCM320.EXE
and just type: VCM and everything will be don for you.
For those of you with color monitors, add the 'c' for COLOR.
You MUST also put the drive letter! If you do not have a color monitor,
your command line would look something like this: VCM320 b. Where 'b' is
the drive letter to store your library. The Default is NO COLOR! if the 'c'
is not added after the 'b'.
On my system (with color momitor and Hard Drive), I have a batch file
like this:
VCR320 cc
When VCM is run for the first time, you will be asked to type in a
number from 50 thru 999. The number you enter will be the number of Movie
Titles you expect to accumalate. *** NOTE *** You should pick this number
based on the memory size of your computer. If you have 256K of memory you
should be safe with typing in '999'. For computers with less than 256K,
you can try a number, if your computer won't handle it, DELETE the MTOT.MAX
file and try again until you find a number that will work! If you have 128K
for example, '500' should work!
When that is done, a file called MOVIES.VCR is created. The Menu will
appear, and you are ready to enter Movie information.
The Menu will appear and the Disk Drive will start to load in your
Movie Library (Empty at this point). When that is done, you will see
'Select One:' appear at the bottom of the Menu Window. This lets you know
that VCM is waitin for you to do something.
On the lower left part of the screen you will see '<S>ound is On'.
Press the 's' key to toggle the sound on/off. To the Right of that is
displayed the data drive that your library will be saved to and loaded from.
Menu Selection 1 - Add Movie(s) to the Library
This selection will pop-up another screen allowing you to start entering your
movie information (Tape #, Movie Title, Movie Rating, Run Time and Catagory).
Tape # - Three (3) characters are allowed, numbers or letters.
Movie Title - Forty (40) Charaters characters are allowed, letters or
numbers. Be sure to enter your titles the same way
everytime. The search and sort algorythms (menu options
2 and 3) are case sensitive when looking for a movie
title. The following examples are recommended:
example 1 - The Young And The Old
example 3 - the young and the old
Press enter in the blank window to return to the menu.
Movie Rating - Four (4) characters are allowed, numbers or letters.
Ratings like PG13 are then accomadated for.
Run Time - Four (4) charcters are allowed, letters or numbers. A colon
(:) is displayed in the window as a reminder to type it in.
Time is usually entered as H:MM (Hours:Minutes), however,
you may enter it as you like.
Catagory - Twelve (12) characters are allowed, letters or numbers.
Catagories like SciFi, Western, Adult/Drama, Cartoon are
just a few examples.
On Loan to - This window was added to accomodate those (like myself)
that loan movies to 'Friends'. I often forget who I
loaned them to! All you need to do is select 2 from the
main menu to edit the On Loan to... window and keeping
track of loaned out movies should be no problem! You can
leave this window blank while adding titles to your Lib.
After you press ENTER in the On Loan to.. window, a message will appear
and ask if the info you just typed in is correct. The asterisk (*) by the
'y' (*y/n) shows the default answer, allowing you to just press <ENTER> if
all is correct. Pressing 'n' will clear the windows and you can enter the
data again.
Menu Selection 2 - Find/Edit/Delete(*) a Movie
Type in all or part of the Movie Title (Remember, Case Sensitive!) of the
movie you want to edit or delete. When the information appears, select a
number (1 thru 6) to select the window you want to edit. When done editing,
press <ENTER> to return to the Menu. To DELETE a movie from the library,
press SHIFT and 8 (the asterisk *) and another window will appear to ask if
you are sure. Answer 'y' to delete the movie and 'n' to keep it. After you
answer the question, the windows will clear and wait for another Movie Title
to be entered. Press <ENTER> in a blank window to return to the Menu. The
library is saved to disk before returning to the menu.
Menu Selection 3 - Sort the Movie Library
This will bring up another window and ask if you want to sort by Tape Number
or Movie Title. The sort is done from a to z and from lowest number to
highest. (Movie titles like 1984 or 2001 will appear at the top of the list
when printed out) When this is finished (15 sec. for 200 movies on a PC) the
Library is saved to disk in sorted order.
If there is no disk in the floppy or the door is open, a message will be
displayed. Correct the problem and press a key, the Library will then be saved
to the disk. Hard drive owners will not have this problem, naturally!
Menu Selection 4 - Print a Master Movie List
Another window will appear asking to display on the screen or send to the
printer. Eighteen (18) movies and their info are displayed on the screen.
Press <Q> to return to the Menu. If sending to the printer, set the top of
the paper just below the print head position to allow for correct page
If the printer is off-line, or none is present, an error will be displayed.
Press a key to return to the Menu.
The person you loaned a movie to WILL NOT be on this printout! I didn't
think you'd want to print out a new movie list every time someone brought
a movie back!
Menu Selection 5 - Quit Program
Clears screen, exits program and returns you to DOS
There are six (6) files in VCR310.ARC: VCM320.EXE
When run for the first time, VCM320.EXE will create:
MOVIES.VCR - Your Library data file
MTOT.MAX - The pramater file
For machines with less than 256K, you can move the above files to another disk
and run VCM on another disk by itself to create another Library! REMEMBER,
Keep the MOVIES.VCR and MTOT.MAX files together!
If you have any problems or recommendations, write me at the above address
or leave mail on The Data Emporium BBS at (915)857-1974 (3/12/24/9600 bd).